Supporting National Bullying Prevention Month

Donation Page

October is National Pizza Month and National Bullying Prevention Month. Snappy Tomato Pizza is recognizing both with a month-long philanthropic campaign to raise funds in support of PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center in an effort to prevent bullying and promote unity. A dollar donation will transform any round medium or large pizza into a Unity Pizza by adding cheddar cheese.

Snappy Tomato Pizza restaurants are family oriented and community dedicated, offering fresh, homemade, award-winning pizza and Italian specialties across Southern Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee and New Mexico.

Aside from donating by making your pizza a cheddar-covered Unity Pizza, Snappy Tomato Pizza encourages additional donations to the cause utilizing this portal.
Join Snappy Tomato Pizza in supporting this important issue. Your support can mean one less student being bullied, one more person speaking out, or one more kid knowing that somebody cares. Thank you for making a difference.

 Nominate a teacher to receive a bullying prevention resource kit

Snappy Tomato Pizza also presents Operation Classroom where anyone can nominate a deserving teacher or school to receive a FREE Create a World Without Bullying Resource Kit from PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center.  Ten winning teachers and/or facilities will be randomly selected to receive this free educational resource donated by Snappy Tomato Pizza.  Nominations are encouraged via Facebook both on the Snappy Tomato main page and on personal timelines with: #SnappyAgentofChange and #AgentofChangeEducator.

Operation Classroom is a part of Snappy Tomato Pizza’s Agent of Change Handbook, which uses content from PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center to empower Snappy Tomato customers to prevent bullying in their communities. The handbooks will be included with all Snappy Tomato orders during the month of October.

Learn more about the entire Snappy Tomato Pizza month-long campaign, find a pizzeria location near you and learn how to become an Agent of Change at

PACER's National Bullying Prevention Center Donations